Peugeot 405 + 1. Maintenance instruction - 2. Maintenance 2.1. Technical characteristic + 2.2. Frequency of service + 2.3. Each 7 500 km - 2.4. Each 10 000 km or 6 months 2.4.1. Replacement of engine oil and filter 2.4.2. Check of level of gearbox oil 2.4.3. Check and adjustment of a tension of a maple belt 2.4.4. Check of an auxiliary driving belt - 2.4.5. Removal, installation and adjustment of a tension of a maple driving belt Early models Models with manual adjustment of a tension Models with automatic adjustment of a tension 2.4.6. The pump of the amplifier of steering (XU9J4 with 16 valves) + 2.5. Each 20 000 km or 12 months + 2.6. Each 30 000 km or 18 months + 2.7. Each 40 000 km or 2 years + 2.8. Each 60 000 km or 3 years + 3. Engines + 4. Fuel system + 5. Lubrication systems, coolings + 6. System of release + 7. Coupling + 8. Transmissions + 9. Power shafts + 10. Steering + 11. Suspension brackets + 12. Brake system + 13. Body + 14. Electric equipment
1. To weaken bolts of an axis of turn of the generator of alternating current and bolts of communication, then to unscrew a tension regulator bolt for reduction of a tension of a driving belt. |
2. To take off a driving belt. |
Installation and tension
1. To establish a driving belt on pulleys. |
2. The tension of a belt has to be adjusted so that by moderate pressing of a thumb of a hand the middle of a long branch of a belt the deflection of a belt A made about 6,0 mm. |
3. To regulate a belt tension a regulator bolt, then to tighten a point of turn of the generator and bolts of communication (the arrow specified a bolt of fastening of a suspension bracket of a pulley of adjustment of a tension). |
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